Rebuilding my personal site with Phoenix LiveView
Some interesting details on my new personal website -
Thoughts: Habits
Some short-form thoughts on building habits through effective application of energy -
Ecto.Query Macro-based vs. Keyword syntax
A gentle introduction to Ecto's query syntaxes -
How to create a dropdown with TailwindCSS and Vue
Create custom dropdowns with TailwindCSS and Vue by example (and codesandbox) -
10 Vim + VSCode tips that will supercharge your productivity
How I develop faster with these quick Vim + VSCode tips -
3 Ways I Improved My Remote Work
A list of things I find critical to a successful remote work life -
Solve FizzBuzz in Elixir
FizzBuzz with multiple solutions in Elixir. Which is best? -
How to Create A Great Blog Title
Tips and trips in a functional style for writing good titles